You use pyinstaller to convert your python program into a self-contained directory or a single file executable that you can distribute to users.

The size of the self-contained directory or single file executable depends on what modules your program imports. Here are some common modules I imported and the resultant size.

  • hello world program (imports nothing, so you are just using the python interpretter)
    • 14.7 mb if outputting a directory
    • 6.7 mb if using –onefile option (–onefile option puts everything inside a single .exe file)
  • importing the following modules: argparse, os, re, subprocess, pathlib, and shutil
    • 14.7 mb (directory)
    • 6.7 mb if using –onefile option
  • importing the following modules: tkinter
    • 22.3 mb (directory)
    • 9.6 mb if using –onefile option
  • importing the following moduels: tkinter, argparse, os, re, subprocess, pathlib, and shutil
    • 22.3 mb (directory)
    • 9.6 mb if using –onefile option
  • importing the following modules: numpy
    • 56.5 mb (directory)
    • 20 mb if using –onefile option
  • importing the following modules: matplotlib (which internally imports numpy)
    • 81.6 mb (directory)
    • 33 mb if using –onefile option
  • importing the following modules: numpy, tkinter
    • 64.1 mb (directory)
    • 32 mb if using –onefile option


  • packaging the python interpretter alone is about 14.7 mb if outputing a folder and 6.7 mb if outputting a single file (a single exe file)
  • importing a few standard library modules adds nothing on top of the base interpretter
  • importing tkinter adds about 7 mb to a folder or 3 mb to a single file executable
  • numpy adds about 40 mb to a folder and 13 mb to a single file executable
  • matplotlib adds 65 mb to a folder and 25 mb to a single file executable, but a lot of this is due to the fact that matplotlib will import numpy
  • the single file output is less than half of the directory output