Rule Post Pruning Summary
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Rule Post Pruning is a method to reduce the depth of a decision tree.
The depth of a decision tree affects its complexity. The deeper, the more complex. By reducing the depth of the tree, you are reducing its complexity, thus reducing over fitting.
depth <==> complexity <==> overfitting
Here is how you do it:
- For each path going from the root of your tree to a leaf, create a rule (a conjunction of attribute values).
- Keep pruning each rule, as long as performance on test data isn’t negatively affected.
- Order the rules from most accurate (on test data) to least accurate.
- When classifying, try to use the most accurate rule that provides a classification. For example, if you try rule1 (the most accurate), and it doesn’t provide a classification for you, then try rule2 (the second most accurate). You get the idea!!!
- When classifying, try to use the most accurate rule that provides a classification. For example, if you try rule1 (the most accurate), and it doesn’t provide a classification for you, then try rule2 (the second most accurate). You get the idea!!!
Let’s break down step 2:
- For each rule
- For each attribute
- Remove the attribute
- See how you perform on the test data
- If you perform worse, add the attribute back
- For each attribute